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 duration: 14'16 year: 2019. 

  ISWC: T-704.088.343.2 Charles-Edouard Platel, composer

"Galaxie" - lilie2lo

Long vibrations of energy project clouds of sound particles. A poetic perpective based on our quantum cosmology.
The music simultaneously makes you feel the infinitely small life of each of the elementary particles, very close, and the eternal propagation of the waves that scatter the energies everywhere in the universe.
Living organisms participate in these energy transfers, and human feel significant effects of them. His emotions and intimate thinking also create a radiant vibration.

"Very Far Very Close" was premiered on August 22, 2019 at the Futura Festival in Crest, performed by Anne Foucher on the great acousmonium MOTUS.

Note: this composition of 2019 reuses part of the sound instrumentation of the previous opuses Softmetal (2013) and Persistent Objects (2011).


 tltp"Galaxie" - lilie2lo, 2005

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