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39'30 VIDEO 2009

 ecoute Hear the music with these video movies:

 Coincidence - part1 - Vital powers    Coincidence - part1 - Vital powers    Coincidence - part1 - Vital powers
COINCIDENCE - part 1 - Vital powers (8'36)   COINCIDENCE - part 2 - Untimed dreaming (14'34)   COINCIDENCE - part 3 - Metamorphosonic (15'55)


audiocd noir  CD

  • ISWC: T-702.381.738.3

« Coincidence » is a project with the painter Rui Prazeres to produce a joined exhibition where music and painting have been created together. The sound track is designed to be heard in loop during the exhibition.

The word "coincidence" relates both a simultaneity in the space / time and the hazard. And hazard is an important driver in the painting and musical creation. 

The composition was first fed by a progressive appropriation of the painter's world, as the sense of the colors, textures and forms progressively appeared. Then the result was listened by the painter himself, focused on the achievement of the works dedicated to the exhibition, and the composer benificiated of this feedback to modify the music, and so on, spread along several months.

The specific listening circumstances for visitors wandering among the exhibited works brought several aesthetic and practical constraints, mainly:

  • to leave the emotional events to the hazard of contemplating or walking around from a painting to the other, the music softly accompanying and taking no initiative of saliencies or ruptures;
  • the listener must be able to begin and finish the listening at any moment, even to continuously pass from the end to the beginning: there is no underlying guiding principle;
  • the listener may play with his different perceiving according to his location in the room, this playing being emphasized by a multiphonic diffusion of moving sound sources.

Although it was designed to be heard in the exhibition background, the musical track can by itself transport  the listener into the imaginary world created by both Rui Prazeres and Charles-Edouard Platel.
"Coincidence" includes three recognizable parts, the transition from one to another therefore being progressive:

  1. "Vital powers" evokes gestures, breathing, energy flows which animate the artist at work, either painter or musician;
    (Video motion based on  Rui Prazeres' C2009 painting)
  2. "Untimed dreaming", by the contrary, seems loose all references to rhythms: long trails of bright and dark colors, scattered showers of "drippings";
    (Video motion based on  Rui Prazeres' E2009 painting)
  3.  "Metamorphosonic" develop continuous sound layers which combine themselves in a Darwinian way into complex patterns and individuated forms; the listener will here recognize landscapes, animals, objects and characters, according to his own fantasies.
    (Video motion based on  Rui Prazeres' A2009 painting)

Sound material: software synthesizers, scribbling noises.

The first public exhibition of "Coïncidence" was in Bullion (78), at the Rui Prazeres' painter studio, for the Helium artistic course in the Vallée de Cheveuse, in november 2009. To prolong this event, Charles-Edouard Platel made the above animation movies from the photographs of three exhibited paintings.

The first broadcasting was in December 2009 : an excerpt of "Untimed dreaming", part 2 of the suite "Coincidence", in the "Electromania" program, produced by the INA-GRM on France Musique radio.

"Metamorphosonic", part 3 of the "Coïncidence" suite, was finalist of the Musica Nova competition in December 2009.

The "Maison Elsa Triolet-Aragon", in Saint Arnoult-en-Yvelines, presented the "Coïncidence" exhibition from February to May 2012.


Rui Prazeres, peintre

"Coincidence": Exhibition in the Elsa Triolet-Aragon' House (Photo J.Marcault)


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